Imagerie thermique : efficace pour diagnostiquer des maladies chez nos amis à quatre pattes
Les chevaux, tout comme les humains, sont sensibles à toute sorte de troubles de santé. Les vétérinaires utilisent des outils et des examens de diagnostic, pouvant être très simples ou à la fine pointe de la technologie, pour tenter de déterminer exactement ce qui ne va pas.
Thermal imaging is striking. Writing for The Horse, Joanna L. Robson explains that thermography can "detect metabolic changes related to active inflammation, blood flow, or nerve conduction. Veterinarians typically follow thermography with anatomic imaging to diagnose the underlying disease process at a specific area of activity or concern."

The Canada Science and Technology Museum collection contains thermographic equipment from the human medical system. Used by Dr. Ghys at Montreal’s Clinique du Sein Bourassa in the late 1960s and early 1970s, this thermographic system was the first developed specifically for medical purposes. With this camera, the system was used as a diagnostic aid for breast cancer and circulatory obstructions in humans.
Visitors to the museum can learn more about how technologies have shaped the medical world in a brand-new exhibition, Medical Sensations.