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The Canada Agriculture and Food Museum and Kitigan Zibi Anishinàbeg present a collaborative language installation, Nidòndàdizimin nidjìbikànàng: Thriving from Our Roots. This trilingual display—in Algonquin, French, and English—features the words and voices of two Kitigan Zibi Anishinàbeg members, Asha Meness King and Joan Tenasco. This project celebrates the Anishinàbe Algonquin language, and the presence and resilience of the Anishinàbe Algonquin peoples on their traditional territories.
Nidòndàdizimin nidjìbikànàng
(English version follows)
Awaso nigo pibòn minigik kada kijigàbandjigàde kaye tajindàgwadon Anishinàbe inwewinan. Kidji mashkawi
nàgadjitòyàng nidinwewininàn kaye nipimàdjiwowininàn ni nàskànànàn weskad àyànikàdj wendàbìkising
nidjìbikànàn kidji ondinamàng kije kikenindàmàwin kaye kikinòwiziwin. Wenishinàbewiyàng akìng
nidòndàdizimin kakina kego wendinamàng àbadjitòwinan, mashkikiwan kaye kemìdjiyàng. Misawàdj kà-bi-
ijiwebag, niwìdji anishinàbeminànig kiyàbadj nidandanizimin ashidj kiyàbadj mashkawi pimàdizìmagad
nidinwewininàn. Kichi inenindàgwad kidji màmindònenindameng mashkawizìwin onzikà odjìbikàng, mì wendji
mashkawi mindjimìkamàng nidinwewininàn ondje ogog nongom kaye pàdjimosedjig nìgàn.
Joan Tenasco, Anishinàbekwe Algonquin onàgadawàbandàn anishinàbemowin, kì iji nìge kaye kì nitàwige Kitigàn Zìbìng.
Asha Meness King, Anishinàbekwens Algonquin, kekinàmawindj Kitigàn Zìbìng.
Pizindaw Joan Tenasco Anishinàbe nàbowàdang iyo.
Listen to Joan Tenasco read the Anishinàbe Algonquin text.
Thriving from Our Roots
Nidòndàdizimin nidjìbikànàng means thriving from our roots.
In strong efforts to preserve our Anishinàbe Algonquin language and culture we turn to our ancestral roots for traditional knowledge and guidance. As Anishinàbe people we thrive off the lands that provide our necessary tools, medicines, and food sources. Despite past efforts to eradicate Indigenous cultures, our people are still here and the language is still alive. It is important for us to remember that strength lies in our roots, which is why we dedicate strong efforts in preserving them for now and for the future.
Joan Tenasco, Algonquin language keeper and consultant, born and raised in the community of Kitigàn Zìbì.
Asha Meness King, student and a member of the Anishinàbe Algonquin nation from Kitigàn Zìbì.
Kitigàn Zìbì Anishinàbeg Pimàdjiwowinogamig
Pìjàshig Kitigàn Zìbì Anishinàbeg
(English version follows)
Pimàdjiwowinogamig. Iyo wogamig kakina màmawo
tibàdjimòmagad weyeshkad, iji ako nongom, kaye nìgàn
pàdjimòsemagak ondje Kitigàn Zìbì Anishinàbeg.
Niwìkwadenindànànàn kidji kikinàmàgeyàng, kanawenindamàng
kaye wàbandahiweyàn Anishinàbe pemàdiziwin,
ànikeyàdjimowin, anishinàbemowin kaye pimàdjiwowin.
Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Cultural Education Centre
The Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Cultural Education Centre incorporates the past, present, and future of the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg. Its aim is to educate, preserve, and share Algonquin culture, history, language, and traditions.
Nigod iji igodj nìjwàsomindana ashidj kinawe
nìbinà wìyagi Anishinàbemowinan tagwanon,
kikenindamàgemagak kì tagwang anishinàbewiwin
kaye kì màne wànadizìmagak Kanadàng.
Kicha agindàsowin 2015, apìch kà
tebwetamonàniwang kì awakàzowàdj
kikinàmàdinikàng anishinàbeg ogog kà
nìgànìkandamowàdj kì ikidowag kidji
nàgadjichigàdeg anishinàbemowinan, kì wanising
kaye ega kì kashkitowàdj pimiwidòwadj
odinwewiniwàn. Màneg àjaye ogog anishinàbeg
onosiwadonàwan odinwewiniwàn, kidji minawàdj
àbadjitowàdj kaye obimàdjiwowiniwàn,
ogikinàmawàwàn ononkoke kidji anishinàbemonidj.
In Canada, there are more than 70 Indigenous languages, reflecting the diversity and richness of Indigenous culture.
In 2015, Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission called for the preservation and revitalization of Indigenous languages, recognizing that the Residential Schools system had damaged their transmission. Many communities are now actively restoring their languages, and their cultures, by teaching new generations of speakers.
Iyo Anishinàbemowin wàbandahiwewin kì
ondamitàg màmawe Kitigàn Zìbì Anishinàbeg
Pimàdjiwowinogamig kaye Canada Agriculture
ashidj Mìdjimi Wàbandahiwogamig.
This language exhibition is a collaboration between the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Cultural Education Centre and the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum.