How much do you know about Canada’s energy system?
Students will get the chance to explore data that predicts Canada’s energy future. They will then investigate statements made about energy demand and production in Canadian provinces and territories, using Canada Energy Regulator visualizations.
This program works best if the students have access to electronic devices: laptops, Chromebooks, tablets (smartphones are not ideal, but will work if no other devices are available). One device per one to three students is recommended.
This program is adapted from the Exploring Canada’s Energy Future - Digital learning Kit.
This program is virtual via Zoom. We have implemented the following measures to ensure that our virtual programming is safe and secure:
- Waiting room to prevent uninvited guests from joining the meeting
- Controls in place to control if and when students can chat and share content
- End-to-end encryption to ensure proper security
- Recording of program is not permitted by any party
Curriculum links
This program will cover the following curriculum-related topics and themes across a range of grade levels. The content can be adapted, based on the needs of the group.
Energy | Environmental Sustainability |
Sources of Energy Sources of energy production in Canada’s provinces and territories. Energy Production How possible interventions might affect Canada’s energy production in the future. Energy Consumption How energy is used in Canada. |
Sustainable Energy Systems Interventions that may lead to more sustainable energy systems. |
Geography | Data |
Interrelationships Influence of the various characteristics of Canadian regions on energy production and consumption. Managing Resources Impacts of resource policy, resource management, and consumer choices on sustainability in Canada. |
Data Visualization Types of graphs that are best suited to represent different sets of data. Data Analysis Drawing conclusions from data presented in various ways. Interpreting the story that the data tells. |
Teacher tips
An educator from the museum will connect with your classroom using videoconferencing software. Through your web camera and the chat feature, the educator will see and interact with the students throughout the session. See the attached document for tips and tricks for connecting with your class.
Planning Your Virtual Field Trip (PDF)
After you book your program, we will provide information about the program set up and any supplies you/your students will need to maximize your experience.
We request a maximum of 30 students or one classroom per session, in order maximize the educator’s ability to interact with your students..
Booking requests can be made through our Online Reservation Request Form.
You can also connect directly to our Customer Relations team:
Email: contact@IngeniumCanada.org
Phone: 613-991-3053 or 1-866-442-4416
Did you know we now offer Virtual Field Trips live from the Museum?
Our “Movement and Machines: It’s Simple!” program will “lift” your class up, in more ways than one!
00:00 Virtual Field trips: Streamed from the museums to you
00:08 Are you looking to lift your class up with an exciting virtual field trip?
00:18 Movement and Machines: It’s Simple, is one of many awesome programs to choose from.
00:24 Book your program today.
00:31 Ingenium logo, IngeniumCanada.org
Program Details
- View all programs at the Canada Science and Technology Museum
- View other programs related to Energy
- View other programs for: Grade 7 - Grade 12 (Ontario) or Secondary Cycle 1 - Secondary Cycle 2 (Quebec)