Canada in Space, a permanent exhibition at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, provides an overview of our country’s most notable space achievements, from satellites that connect us to robotics that help keep the International Space Station (ISS) operating safely.
Learn how Canada’s astronaut program got off the ground as a direct result of the Canadarm’s iconic success; the first Canadarm now rests proudly in the centre of this open gallery. Discover treasures from the museum’s collection, including the flight suit that Marc Garneau wore as he blasted off into space, and a full-scale engineering model of Alouette-1, Canada’s first space satellite. Look inside a model of a Soyuz capsule, and see the Sokol suit that Chris Hadfield wore on his way to the ISS. Give the Disorientation Station a “spin” and find out if you’re affected by spatial disorientation, a sensation that can make astronauts dizzy in space.
If you’re looking to explore the museum’s space offerings, the Canada in Space exhibition should be your starting point. This open gallery is located along the west wall of the Main Exhibition Hall, near the entrance to Life in Orbit.