Sajeev Kohli - Recruiting Endogenous Proteins for Site Specific Transport: A Novel Workflow for Gene Carrier Design
Sajeev Kohli - Waterloo, ON - Sir John A. Macdonald Secondary School
Project: Recruiting Endogenous Proteins for Site Specific Transport: A Novel Workflow for Gene Carrier Design
Sajeev Kohli is a 16-year-old student veteran of the Canada-wide science fair, previously winning gold at regionals and silver at nationals. In work and life, he focuses on improving the lives of those around him. At 13 he became a CWSF multi-award winner for his project R.E.D.M.A, a system that allows homeowners to monitor the environmental conditions of their home in real time, sending notifications to a smartphone with 99 per cent accuracy.
Outside of science he is head of his schools Global Issues Club, an executive of his school’s DECA chapter for promoting entrepreneurship and an avid public speaker in both official languages. He aspires to earn a degree in Biomedical Engineering and to become a neurological surgeon to “better the lives of all my patients.”
His current project streamlines gene carrier fabrication and testing to determine the ideal carrier configuration in as little as four days. His methodology also exhibited higher cellular uptake and superior gene transfection/silencing ability at a significant cost reduction compared to modern methods. This methodology can be applied to a wide range of treatments.
Further reading:
R.E.D.M.A. - Residential Emergency Detecting Multifunctional Apparatus