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- A clear, round container (a bowl or wide-mouthed drinking glass)
- Milk
- Food colouring
- A stir stick (a popsicle stick or any similar thin object works fine)
- Fill the container with milk.
- Let the container sit so that the milk settles and becomes still.
- Carefully add a drop of food colouring to the centre of the container.
- Using the stir stick, gently drag some of the food colouring around in a circular motion.
- Observe and record what happens!
Tips: Wait for the food colouring to resurface after you drop it into the milk (it only takes a second). You only need to give the food colouring a very short, gentle nudge to get it moving. If it doesn’t do what you want, you can try again a couple times if you are careful.
Ontario Curriculum Links
Grade 2
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Understanding Matter and Energy
- Properties of Liquids and Solids
- Investigate the properties of liquids
- Investigate, through experimentation, interactions that occur as a result of mixing and/or dissolving . . . liquids and liquids
- Identify objects in the natural and built environments as solids or liquids
- Describe the properties of . . . liquids (e.g., they take the shape of the container they are in, and can be poured)
Grade 6
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Understanding Structures and Mechanisms
- Flight
- Use scientific inquiry/experimentation skills to investigate the properties of air
- Identify the properties of air that make flight possible
Grade 8
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Understanding Matter and Energy
- Fluids
- Investigate and compare the density of a variety of liquids
Quebec Curriculum Links
Elementary Cycle One
- Mixtures
- Miscible and nonmiscible substances
Elementary Cycle Two
- Matter
- Properties and characteristics of matter on Earth
- Soil, water and air
Suggestions for Art Activities
This experiment lends itself well to all types of paintings and drawings. Students could use chalk or pastels — even changing the background colour to black for a different effect.
Have students try placing a piece of paper on top of the bowl to soak up the pattern and capture a moment in time.